
Disclosure persuant to Reg. EU 679/2016


Chef Express S.p.A.
Registered Office: via Modena 53, 41014 Castelvetro di Modena (MO)
Capital share: euro 8.500.000,00 paid up
VAT: 00876120213
No REA: MO-337532
Harry’s Bar Trevi Hotel and Harry’s Bar Tevi Luxury Apartments are brands of Chef Express S.p.A.

According to art. 13 of the EU Regulation 679/2016, relevant to personal data protection and to free circulation of data (“GDPR”), we inform you that the holder of your data treatment is

Chef Express S.p.A. (“Chef Express”)

with registered office at via Modena 53 41014

Castelvetro di Modena (MO)

Vat No 00876120213

Tel. 059 754811 – Fax 059 754700.
If you wish to send us the form about your experiences or any request of information or your booking through the form here enclosed in this web site you are required to consent us to treat your personal data necessary for the purposes of replying to you or about your booking request by clicking on the consent button. In this instance the provided data will be treated in correct, legitimate and transparent way and will be processed by paper and/or electronic way (with the help of automated tools) and/or by paper in order to allow us to reply to you. Once accepted you can still , free of charge, modify your data or ask to have your data cancelled as well as revoking your consent (and thus oppose the processing) at any time by simply sending a request using the same form, you will be finding on the site. You can also receive copy of your data and ask for their transfer to another holder. You can at any time address yourself to the competent authorities at :
The data will be treated and processed by Chef Express, through its Designated (as such appointed according to the provisions of the Reg EU 6792016 and art. 2 quaterdecies of the D.lgs. 101/2018) Mr. Enzo Fiaschetti, to that end expressly authorized to manage this on behalf of Chef Express.


Chef Express is entitled to communicate your personal data to public and judicial bodies and police if required, and to legal and judicial organs if necessary to exercise or defend the rights of Chef Express.
Specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, illegal or incorrect use and unauthorized access.
The data will be preserved for a period of 24 months with the sole purposes of processing your email/s and requests as above, complying with current laws and regulations.
The data will be processed and stored by Chef Express in accordance with the provisions of Reg.EU 679/2016 and all the applicable regulations (and therefore also in accordance with the correct principles of lawfulness and transparency and protection of privacy and rights) and strictly related only to the purposes indicated in this disclosure.