Legal notes

Terms and conditions

By “Site” we mean: the website belonging to Chef Express S.p.A. (single-member company) – Via Modena, 53 – 41014 Castelvetro di Modena (Modena) – Italy – Tel. +39 – Fax +39
Share capital € 8,500,000.00 fully paid-up . Bus. Reg. N. Modena 00876120213 – Italian Index of Economic and Administrative Data R.E.A code: Modena N. 337532 – Tax Code and VAT n. 00876120213. Company subject to the management and direction of Cremonini S.p.A. (hereinafter referred to as “Chef Express”) and managed by Chef Express S.p.A. itself and/or any third parties to be indicated from time to time.

By “Users” we mean: the visitors to and/or users of the Site.

By “terms and conditions” we mean: the terms and conditions existing on the Site at the time of use, and which regulate the expected manner of use of the Site by the Users, informing the Users of their responsibilities, stating the limits of Chef Express’s liability and which constitute, therefore, the entire agreement between Chef Express and the Users in this regard, cancelling and replacing any other previously existing agreement.

Before you browse the Site, please read through the terms carefully and in their entirety.

When Users access any part or section of the Site, they accept that they are subject to said terms and conditions and undertake to abide by them. Should any User disagree with any of the requisites contained in the terms and conditions, Chef Express recommends abstaining from browsing the Site.

Exclusive property.
The Users acknowledge that the following categories (hereinafter referred to jointly as the “contents”) found on the Site belong solely to Chef Express, unless otherwise indicated. The list below is provided by way of an example only and does not comprise all possible contents: any information, data, software, photographs, graphics, videos, music, sounds, images, illustrations, drawings or icons. The duplication, reproduction (including partial reproduction), downloading, storing, publication or distribution by any means, and more generally, any act of disposal or use (including partial use or transfer) of the Site contents, in all and any form, via media channels or technology existing now or hereafter developed, is forbidden. The only exception to this is the User’s right to download one single copy of the contents marked as downloadable on one single computer for personal use and not for commercial purposes, provided that the authorship and other credits relating to copyright and property rights are kept intact. Any software downloaded from the site, as well as any files and images contained therein or created by it and the data comprised in said software is made available under licence by Chef Express, but this concession does not imply that Chef Express is transferring its ownership rights for the software. The Users may not distribute, sell, break up, dissect, decompile, disassemble or in any other way translate the software into a human-readable form.

“Harry’s bar Trevi Hotel” is a figurative and word mark and belongs exclusively to Chef Express. The same applies to all the logos and/or names appearing inside the Site. Any trademarks and logos belonging to third parties and figuring in the Site belong exclusively to their owners. Using or reproducing said trademarks and logos in any way or fashion is strictly prohibited.

Use of the Site.
The Users may only avail themselves of the Site for lawful activities, which include (by way of an example only) finding out about the services offered by Harry’s Bar Trevi. It is strictly forbidden to use the Site for any speculative and/or fraudulent purposes. It is explicitly forbidden to use any part or section of the Site and the Site contents for any commercial and/or advertising purposes of any ilk, unless Chef Express has given its written authorisation. Any Users who contravene current legislation in any way will be legally prosecuted.

Features of the Site.
Users from all the world can gain access to the Site, therefore, the Site could refer to products and services that are not available in the countries in which some Users reside. The fact that products and services are referred to does not imply that Harry’s Bar Trevi intends to market and sell them in these Users’ countries. Harry’s Bar Trevi reserves the right to stop marketing/selling any products without providing prior warning, to change the features of products and even to shut down the online Site.

Updates – Guarantee Disclaimer – Limitation of liability.

The contents of the Site may periodically undergo changes. Chef Express reserves the right to change the Site at any given time. Chef Express cannot guarantee that the Site is free of errors and/or omissions, nor can it vouch for the accuracy, reliability or quality of the Site contents and/or the quality of any services and/or recommendations published on the Site. Furthermore, Chef Express cannot guarantee that the Site is free of viruses or any other factors that may cause harm to or damage third parties. Under no circumstances may Chef Express be held liable for any direct, indirect, moral, incidental, special or consequential damage, or for damage of any other sort. By way of an example, this includes, but is not restricted to, damage for loss of use, data or profits incurred by, or in any way connected to, the Site and its contents, and/or to any delay and/or impossibility of using the Site.

Links to other Sites.
If Users of the Site wish to connect to other sites via hyperlinks on the home page, they may send in a request to Chef Express. Chef Express reserves the right to deny authorisation at its absolute discretion for any links to its Site if it believes that this may lead to any form of damage, including any potential damage.

Any data disclosed to Chef Express by the Users via the Site will be processed using instruments that protect their confidential nature and ensure their safety, in conformity with applicable current legislation. Chef Express/Harry’s Bar Trevi recommends that all Users read through the special privacy disclaimer: PRIVACY POLICY

Comments and complaints.
Upon a motivated request sent either in writing or by email, Chef Express vouches to remove any contents from the Site that might belong to individuals/entities other than the author of the material or curator indicated on the Site section, provided that said individuals/entities can validly claim a right or prove an interest in the materials or its contents, or should the contents harm any interests or rights protected by law. For any comments, complaints or information requests regarding the Site and its contents, please use the contact form to get in touch with Harry’s Bar Trevi.

Changes to and succession of the terms and conditions.
Chef Express reserves the right at its total discretion to change these terms and conditions at any given time. Any new terms and conditions will be made known via the Site itself. These new terms and conditions will become valid and effective as soon as they are published on the Site.

Applicable law and competent court.
These terms and conditions are regulated and interpreted according to Italian law. For any disputes arising from these terms and conditions, or connected to them in any way, the Courthouse of Modena (Italy) shall have sole jurisdiction. For all matters and aspects not specifically covered in these terms and conditions, the provisions of Italian law shall apply.